September 29, 2022

12/10/2011 – ABJJ Black Belt Seminar on The Kenai Peninsula:

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Redemption Head Instructor Receiving his 4th Stripe"]

[/caption]12/10/2011 Redemption MMA Seminar

ABJJ Black Belt Ryder Spadafore just returned from a visit to ABJJ Affiliated school on the Kenai Peninsula, Redemption MMA. He had a great visit, he taught class on Friday night and the Seminar on Saturday December 10th. Also on Saturday before the Seminar Ryder was proud to give out some much deserved stripes, moving Redemption MMA Head Instructor Isaac Kolesar to the rank of 4 Stripe Blue Belt and promoting Jason “Red” Tholl to the rank of Blue Belt, great job guys.